
My thoughts on life

Monthly Archives: July 2005


Angie and I went to the MOA this weekend. I got to buy some clothes which is really nice. Most of my pants have gone ragged and most of my shirts… I don’t know what the deal is there, but … Continue reading

July 28, 2005


Well, during the really unpleasant task of entering services for over 250 clients, most of whom have errors in their current billing, I discovered that everyone else had vacated the office, including the person who can best answer questions about … Continue reading

July 22, 2005


I started a mini gallery online for some of the stuff I’ve created in blender. I don’t have an official link yet but the one above will take you right to it. I also don’t have a lot of stuff … Continue reading


Ethan made some tasty pumpkin bread yesterday. We suddenly ran into the problem of only having one bread pan, so it took quite a long time to make two loaves. I think this stuff turned out much better than both … Continue reading

July 17, 2005


The components of my computer are here! The only thing left is to get the bugger running. There’s this whole annoying thing with me never making any partitions on my harddrive bootable (because I had another drive as master and … Continue reading

July 14, 2005


I was just perusing the statistics of my site, and discovered that someone did a search for “walmart raleigh sc40” — a really nice bike combined with a really cheap store. My only advice is this: give it up little … Continue reading

July 10, 2005


Wow. I spent the fourth of July weekend up at my parents’ cabin with Ethan. Most of the time we were at my Aunt’s cabin being beaten against a lake with a tube. Ah what fun we had. I’m actually … Continue reading

July 6, 2005