
My thoughts on life

Category Archives: Health

On Exercise and Weight Loss

Diets, nutrition and weight loss have been a long time interest of mine. I’m not sure why, as I have never been overweight, I’ve never had an eating disorder, and as far as I know, I’ve never been malnourished. I … Continue reading

September 9, 2013 Fitness, Health , ,

Becoming (More) Vegan

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been listening to a lot of videos from NutritionFacts.org. There are innumerable individual bits of information, but they can be summed up in two main categories: eating whole plant foods is good … Continue reading

September 2, 2013 Health, Personal

Morning Smoothies

Recently I started having a smoothie for breakfast several days a week. I’ve tried doing this before, but I’ve never kept it up more than twice, before forgetting about my plans and going back to cereal or oatmeal every day. … Continue reading

August 19, 2013 Health , , ,

Nutrition Facts

While listening to a Rich Roll Podcast I learned about NutritionFacts.org which is a non-profit site that has short video summaries of an extremely wide variety of nutrition studies. All of the information comes from peer reviewed research, and is summed up … Continue reading

July 25, 2013 Health

Medica’s Healthy Savings Plan

My employer offers group health insurance through Medica, and our benefits coordinator recently announced a new program that Medica is rolling out. It’s called the Healthy Savings Program and it was described as a rebate for buying healthy groceries. A few … Continue reading

June 23, 2013 Health , , ,