Chobe Boat Ride and Game Drive
This morning we had a private boat tour of the Chobe River. It covered the same area as our group boat tour two nights ago but in a much smaller boat and we were able to get closer to some animals.
The highlights of this morning were seeing a family of baboons baking in the sun with little ones playing all around them, an angry hippo who shook his gaping mouth at us as we passed (the only animal encounter so far that made me nervous), and seeing a massive crocodile sunning on the beach.
This evening we went on our final game drive at Chobe, our only land safari here. As promised it was teeming with elephants! We got up close and personal with a couple families. We were actually so close that I couldn’t take pictures with my zoom lens. Thankfully Ethan could back me up with a wide angle.
Tonight we also saw more kudu, impala, hippos (some within a few feet of the vehicle), giraffe, baboon, and an enormous herd of buffalo. We passed through the buffalo herd and were surrounded for awhile.
Tomorrow we take a charter flight to the Okavango Delta where we’ll be staying for three nights at Pom Pom Camp. I’m looking forward to all we have to see there!