
My thoughts on life

Monthly Archives: January 2004


I got my kitties last night!! I named them Pester and Peeve and already put up a page for them. They have been extremely fun so far, extremely playful and they love attention. On a sad note, I spoke with … Continue reading

January 31, 2004


Well, cold weather seems to have seriously struck my region. This morning I woke up to a rediculous -25F with a windchill of -48F. Refuckingdiculous. Of course classes weren’t cancelled. People were just dressed like they were avoiding a sand … Continue reading

January 28, 2004


Okay, I managed to put up the movies section, though it is decidedly bare. Like everything else on this site, it’s a work in progress. I still have to change one thing on the web index but that can wait … Continue reading

January 25, 2004


Now that I know how wonderful FTP is, I kind of have to force myself to update here… I can’t wait to get a domain for this site. Right now I have to like, envy someone else’s… Someone who will … Continue reading

January 24, 2004


I added a new section to the site after discovering an article about high heels… Check it out

January 19, 2004

High Heels

I was randomly looking at news stories today and stumbled accross this one: High Heels May Reduce Arthritis Risk. I thought, ‘come on now, that can’t be right’ but it seems a study was done which shows that women who … Continue reading


I finally discovered the dungeon. It is a crazy Linux computer lab on campus with a lounge, comfy couches, sodas for a quarter, a comforting whirr of a server in the corner, mutant ergonomic keyboards, and interesting crap on the … Continue reading

January 16, 2004

Lunchline Lingo

Today I heard something which made me recall my childhood. Whilst sitting in Data Structures, learning about how stacks and queues work, someone suggested that no one could cut in line unless someone else gave them ‘heads.’ It made me … Continue reading


Well, today I was called “trite and ultraconservative” by someone called ‘realrichguy,’ his email is scotthg@means.com if you want to be blessed with his apparently farseeing knowledge… or if you want to call him an idiot. It all works. His … Continue reading

January 13, 2004


Yes, I enjoy bowling. I may be terrible at it, but it’s fun. Thankfully my friends don’t usually do much better than I, and there is very little in the way of competition among us. That keeps it entertaining. It … Continue reading

January 12, 2004